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This Club is Alive
Tequila y Tacos H3 (Harriettes) --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (844) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=844]

last updated: 2021-11-08 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / TX/ San Antonio
We Hash: 1st Saturday 09:30 All Year 
lat/lng0.00000000N 0.00000000E
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/223827558338102
Contact Name
Heather "2 Good 2 Swallow" Reed

Contact 1: Ariadna "Cuban Dicktaker" Rumayor
Date First Hash:2018-12-01
Founder:*2 Good 2 Swallow*
Parent Hash:Seoul PMS Hash House Harriettes
Kennel Details:
We are a once a month Women's kennel. We generally hash on the first Saturday of the month at 0930 with pack away at 1000 but let us know if you are traveling b/c we may hash early in the summer (whew! it's hot in south Texas) or bump a week if it conflicts with a hash event like TXIH. Also, men are welcome to our charity event, the Teal Dress Run, and everyone including rugrats are welcome to Mother's Day trail (the Saturday before Mother's Day). We also have occasional "spotting events" so let us know if you're coming through town.